Orit Fux before and after plastic surgery.
Orit Fux is an Israeli D-list celebrity of sorts, known for her cartoon-like facial appearance and humongous breast implants...
Pamela Anderson before and after breast implants
From time to time, we come across these almost comical cases of
plastic surgery, where the result render the patient unrecognizable, and not due to botched procedures, but the results stemming from a "successful" operation.

I must admit, i'm truly at a loss for words when viewing these photos of Ms. Orit Fux, however the first thing that comes to mind is an episode of star trek, when Kirk and the gang ventured to another planet and met that amazonian queen.
Nicole Kidman breast implants plastic surgery
Or even better, do you remember the movie "Creepshow" which featured that hideous
crate monster? I see a strong resemblance...

Sorry folks, i clearly got knocked a little off track today, but Orit Fux blew my mind! Seriously, i couldn't think straight after laying eyes on her. Nightmares, here i come!