Friday, April 15, 2011

Carrot Top Before And After Plastic Surgery

Carrot Top before and after steroids and plastic surgery?
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, i ask you, what in the world happened to Carrot Top!?!

Once upon a time Carrot Top was a frail comedian with a bag of not so funny tricks, and now he has completely transformed himself into the incredible carrot.

Could Carrot Top's bizarre facial appearance be a result of his steroid intake or has he also taken the plunge into plastic surgery?
One key area of Carrot Top's face which looks altered is his brow, along with much tighter skin perhaps resulting from botox injections, plus it appears his lips are quite enlarged from implants or collagen injections.
Carrot Top may have turned himself into a comic book character, but he can still draw a crowd, as he is currently selling out shows in Vegas, nightly. Those eyebrows make the ladies go wild!

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